How to Heal a Hamstring Strain Fast: Get Football Players Back on the Field

little league football player running with a ball

Image by Keith Johnston from Pixabay

As a parent or coach of a young football player, few things are more frustrating than seeing your athlete sidelined with a hamstring strain. These injuries are all too common in football, but with the right approach, we can get our young players back on the field faster and stronger than ever. Let’s dive into why hamstring injuries plague football players and how to heal a hamstring strain fast using the innovative Mobility-Doc method.

Why Are Hamstring Injuries So Common in Football?

Hamstring injuries are prevalent in football for several reasons:

  1. Sudden acceleration and deceleration: Football requires quick starts and stops, putting immense strain on the hamstrings.
  2. Explosive movements: Sprinting, jumping, and cutting all demand rapid hamstring engagement.
  3. Muscle imbalances: Overdeveloped quadriceps compared to hamstrings can lead to injury.
  4. Inadequate warm-up: Failing to properly prepare the muscles increases injury risk.
  5. Fatigue: As players tire, their form deteriorates, making them more susceptible to strains.

Understanding these factors is crucial in both preventing and treating hamstring strains effectively.

The Mobility-Doc Method: A Primer for Fast Hamstring Healing

To get our young athletes back on the field quickly and safely, we’re using the Mobility-Doc method. This innovative approach layers flexibility, stability, and strength to prime the muscle for action. By following this method, we can help players recover faster and return to the game stronger than before.

1: Dynamic Runner's Hamstring Stretch

Dr. John in a split stance with his weight on his forward leg (Left) leaning over a bench with hands about to be placed on the bench as a hamstring strain healing exercise
Beginner height
Dr. John in a split stance with his left leg in front hands touching the floor infront of him doing a dynamic hamstring stretch. This is one of 3 exercises to help heal your hamstring strain fast
Advanced height

This exercise dynamically lengthens the muscle and improves flexibility within a pain-free range of motion. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Stand upright and take a small step forward with one foot.
  2. Keeping your back straight, hinge at the hips and lean forward onto a box,bench, or table.  (if you’re really flexible you can reach for the ground)
  3. As you reach, you’ll feel your weight transfer into your front leg
  4. Keeping the weight there, dynamically move your knee pausing only 1-2 seconds for 10-15 reps on each leg.

This stretch helps improve hamstring flexibility while mimicking the dynamic movements used in football.

PRO TIP!  Do this exercise with muscle floss.  Muscle floss adds an extra layer of healing by breaking up scar tissue and adhesions caused from the muscle strain/injury.  It also promotes healing by increasing blood flow to the area to heal that hamstring strain fast!

Dr. John with muscle floss wrapped around above and below his knee cap to demonstrate how to do the dynamic hamstring exercise with muscle floss

2: Leg Lowering Exercise

While this exercise also enhances flexibility, its primary focus is improving hamstring stability by retraining the core and hamstring to work together. Follow these steps:

  1. Lie on your back with both legs extended straight up into the air.
  2. Keeping your back neutral, slowly lower one leg down.
  3. Stop when you feel a slight stretch or tension in the hamstring.

   4.Raise the leg back up and repeat for 10-12 reps on each leg. 

This exercise reinforces the mind-muscle connection and improves control over the hamstring.

PRO TIP! Maintaining a neutral spine is crucial for properly doing this exercise.  If your hips and back start to move you don’t get as much stretch in the hamstring and you’re not properly using your core.

Dr. John laying with his back flat on a bench, right leg up towards the ceiling, left leg lowering down and extending forward. This exercise helps coordinate your core and hamstring movement to heal your hamstring strain fast

3: Asymmetrical Romanian Deadlifts (RDLs)

The final exercise in our Mobility-Doc method integrates the flexibility and stability gained from the previous exercises while building strength. Here’s how to perform asymmetrical RDLs:

  1. Step forward into a split stance
  2. Keeping your back straight and standing leg slightly bent, hinge at the hips.
  3. Lower down hinging only from your hips
  4. Return to the starting position by engaging your hamstring and glutes.
  5. Perform 10-15 reps on each leg.

This exercise not only strengthens the hamstring but also improves balance and coordination, essential skills for football players.

PRO TIP!  This exercise can be done with weights if your athlete is ready.  It’s important not to do too much too quickly

Dr. John in a split stance with left leg in front hinging at the hips with his back flat. This exercise is strengthening the hamstring and glutes

Watch our How To Heal Your Hamstring Strain Fast Video!

Implementing the Mobility-Doc Method

To heal a hamstring strain fast, incorporate these exercises into a daily routine:

  1. Start with 2-3 sets of each exercise.
  2. Gradually increase repetitions and resistance as the injury heals.
  3. Always stay within a pain-free range of motion.
  4. Combine these exercises with proper rest, nutrition, and hydration.


By following this method, young football players can expect to see improvements in their hamstring flexibility, stability, and strength within a few weeks. Some might feel improvement right away!  However, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional or certified trainer before beginning any rehabilitation program.

Hamstring strains don’t have to keep our young athletes off the field for long. By understanding why these injuries occur and implementing the Mobility-Doc method, we can help our football players recover faster and return to the game stronger than ever. Remember, patience and consistency are key in the healing process. With the right approach, your young athlete will be back on the field, scoring touchdowns and making tackles in no time!

Check out more ways to heal your hamstring here!  We demonstrate muscle scraping (graston), muscle flossing, and a ball technique to help you mobilize the connective tissue and break up adhesions.  

Are Hidden Hip Issues Affecting Your Child's Performance?

You’re a dedicated parent, committed to supporting your child’s athletic dreams. You want to see your young athlete thrive in their sport, reach their full potential, and stay healthy while doing so.  Lately though you’ve noticed they’ve been underperforming and complaining about discomfort.  These can be signs of unaddressed hip mobility issues.

Unaddressed hip mobility problems can lead to:
• Decreased athletic performance
• Higher risk of sports injuries
• Frustration and reduced confidence
• Potential long-term physical issues

We understand your desire to give your child every advantage. Our team of specialized physical therapists has developed a safe, effective program designed to help your athlete succeed.

Our 4-Week MDRx Hip Mobility Program includes practical movement education to teach your child how to move well.  This then can apply improved mobility in their sport and daily life.

Invest in your child’s athletic future by enrolling your young athlete in our 4-Week Youth Hip Bulletproofing Program and watch them:
• Move faster and more efficiently
• Perform better in their chosen sport
• Reduce their risk of common sports injuries
• Gain confidence in their physical abilities

Don’t let unnoticed hip issues hinder your child’s athletic journey. Give them the foundation they need to excel!

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Dr. Chloe and John