MD Online: The Ultimate Virtual Mobility+Stability Training Community
The affordable, online comprehensive mobility, stability, and strength programming you need to strengthen your foundation and support your active lifestyle.
You Need Mobility Help But Don’t Know Exactly Where to Start
You don’t have time to waste figuring out if a supplemental mobility and stability program covers all the bases. You want head-to-toe mobility training online, plus reassurance that you’re doing all you need to prevent injuries and recover properly.
That nagging knee injury comes up to bug you from time to time. How do you make sure you’re not going to injure it again?
And exactly how much mobility and stability work do you need, anyway? Maybe you’ve added some shoulder exercises to your programming, but are you doing enough? How much is too much?
We’ve spent years helping active adults, professional athletes, Olympians, and other world-class athletes recover and maintain their bodies to compete at the highest levels. MD Online is exactly what you’re looking for if you want to eliminate any doubt in your mind about rounding out your training program with a supplemental mobility and stability program.
Evidence-Based Physical Therapy Workouts to Complement Your Current Training Regimen
Suffering an injury is one of the most costly set-backs an active person can face. Money aside, not being able to train at 100% is mentally debilitating. We’re here for you, the athletic enthusiast who isn’t interested in sitting back on your heels just hoping you don’t get injured.
You know being proactive is the best way to mitigate injuries, and that’s what MD Online is all about. We use evidence-based programming to ensure your body is prepared for anything. We aren’t replacing your current program, but rather adding to it and filling in the gaps we’ve seen countless patients miss that ultimately resulted in tissue failure.
MD Online does all the planning so you don’t have to. Our support ranges from $20 programs aimed at general baseline mobility, stability, and strength to $200 fully customized plans for unique injuries and special cases.
If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry. We’re here to guide you along the way and make sure you’re getting the most out of our MD Online mobility training community.
From the outside looking in, after treating hundreds of ACL tears, postoperative shoulders, sprained joints, and more — we can quickly determine exactly where you’re limited. And we’re here to let you in on all the secrets, but only if you’re willing to take your training to the next level.
MD Online will take you from “strong” to “stronger, more stable, and more mobile” — we help you prepare your body’s foundation with all the essentials to prevent and recover from injuries, eliminate imbalances and weak spots, and boost your overall performance.
Quit guessing which exercises are best for your mobility or how many reps you should do. Work smarter and let the professionals (that’s us) guide you through everything you need to stay mobile, stable, and strong from head to toe.
More Than Online Mobility Training — a Healthy, Active Community Dedicated to Success
Whether you’re looking for a quick 20-minute session with minimal equipment, region specific help, or sport specific help, we’ve got the program for you.
Our foundational program offers targeted mobility work three days a week. Each different class focuses on a different part of the body (upper body, lower body, and spine). Classes consist of three exercises targeting mobility, stability, and strength each session, followed by an additional strength exercise reinforcing the movement pattern we’re improving.
Every class also includes ongoing education about why you’re doing what you’re doing and how the exercises benefit you. You’ll learn as you go, and if you’re the type looking to soak up as much as possible, all of the MD Online programs include access to our ever-expanding library of educational videos called MD-EDU housed on our YouTube.

MD Online
Choose Your Problem
Don’t sit back and hope you’re doing enough. Make sure you’re doing enough by joining MD Online. Where people who enjoy their active lifestyles put in the little bit of time and effort it takes to avoid catastrophe down the road. Mobility work doesn’t have to take forever and be so boring that you’re falling asleep. You owe it to your future self to join our community today.
During each live class, we discuss the reasoning behind each exercise, how to modify it to make it easier or harder, and we go over the correct form in depth so you know you’re doing the exercises correctly. There is always the option to leave questions or comments on each video, and we will respond within 48 hours.
If you’re interested in online mobility training for maintenance and prevention. MDFit Essentials also includes added mobility work for full body stretching routines every day of the week.
MDFit Essentials: this is our foundational 20-minute program. It’s targeted at priming the upper body, lower body, and core/spine with mobility, stability, and strength exercises, followed by a strength endurance portion. Each class lasts twenty minutes, and is perfect as a warm-up, cool-down, or even a rest day activity. You’ll need access to basic equipment (dumbbells, kettlebells, or anything with some weight) to perform the exercises. Access to this program includes MDFit Mobility for base level 10-minute recovery work. It’s created to be quick, effective, and eliminate everyday aches and pains.
Our program runs in 4-week cycles — but you can join any time. Follow along videos of the primer are recorded and accessible directly within the Train Heroic app for your convenience.
You have unlimited support from our team of doctors using the comment feature. You won’t find a more affordable and comprehensive mobility program with direct access to the experts on a daily basis anywhere else.
Let's Get Personal
We’ve got more tailored and specific programs if you’re looking for a bit more than standard maintenance or prevention. Maybe you’ve got an old injury or sore joint you’re not so sure about. You don’t think you need to get seen by PT right away, but you don’t want to ignore the discomfort either.
We’ve created region-specific protocols called MDRx — get started right away. Instead of spending the time and money to come into the clinic, give one of our 4-week region-specific programs a try first.
Check out our region-specific programs
If you’re not sure any of these online programs are the right fit, or your pain and injury history is more complex, we offer fully customized programs tailored just to you.
Schedule a video consultation today so we can walk through your injury history and make a recommendation. Most of the time, even one month of personalized virtual PT is all you need to get back on track, and then you can graduate to one of our MDFit Programs for maintenance and continued mobility progress.
Ready to join us?
Step 1
Select from our list of MD Online programs.
Step 2
Purchase the program that best fits your needs.
Step 3
Get moving! Access is granted immediately.
MD Edu
MD Fit
Choose Your Platform
- Youtube
- TikTok
Choose Your Problem
- Back
- Shoulders
- Hips
- Neck
Choose Your Program
- Essentials
- Strength
- Barbell
Don’t sit back and hope you’re doing enough. Make sure you’re doing enough by joining MD Online. Where people who enjoy their active lifestyles put in the little bit of time and effort it takes to avoid catastrophe down the road. Mobility work doesn’t have to take forever and be so boring that you’re falling asleep. You owe it to your future self to join our community today.
Don’t sit back and hope you’re doing enough. Make sure you’re doing enough by joining MD Online. Where people who enjoy their active lifestyles put in the little bit of time and effort it takes to avoid catastrophe down the road. Mobility work doesn’t have to take forever and be so boring that you’re falling asleep. You owe it to your future self to join our community today.
What You Get When You Join MD Online
Once you’ve determined one of our mobility programs is right for you, the rest is simple. Your investment in yourself will pay off many times over — MD Online is anything but average. When you join, you’ll get:
Everything you need to set up your online account (get started the same day you sign up!)
Live classes lasting 20-40 minutes, 3 times per week
Continuous 4-week cycles — jump in and get started any time
Replays of all classes available always
Weekly programming to target your upper body, lower body and core/spine so nothing gets left out
Ongoing education throughout each live class, plus access to MD-EDU, our online education platform
Unlimited access to your Mobility-Doc team via comments on each video. We respond within 48 hours.
MD Online is perfect in combination with your existing training program. It is not meant to replace the training you do, but rather support it, and make sure you’re addressing all of your body’s mobility, stability, and strength needs each week.
Join MD Online Today
Making a commitment to your whole body health, for less than what most people spend on coffee alone every month — it’s a no-brainer.
Just think: you can experience less stiffness, more flexibility, and a stronger core to support your every move by joining MD Online and simply following along, adding a few extra minutes to your workout routine each week.
Give MD Online a try. You’ll be surprised at just how much progress you can make in a few short weeks!