Is YouTube Physical Therapy Enough? Why Expert Help is Still Essential

Dr. Chloe treating achilles tendinitis with deep tissue massage

Are you doing YouTube physical therapy?  We hear it from patients all the time that they have gathered their own set of exercises and things seem to be going well… enough.  Even with all that information they still feel like there is something missing.  They aren’t quite able to bridge the gap and get them back to 100%. So what went wrong?  In this blog we’re going to explore how seeing a real physical therapist is essential for your recovery.

YouTube Physical Therapy

The thing about the internet and YouTube is that there is so much information out there.  Some of it’s amazing and some… not so amazing.  That being said with the world at your fingertips, it’s natural for us to feel empowered and gather knowledge from experts to try and create our own solutions. So why are we falling short?  We have these great exercises and thorough explanations so we know we’re doing it right?!  What are we missing?

Pro Tip – Make sure you’re getting information from people who know what they’re talking about!  Many people on the internet aren’t licensed and may cause you more harm.  Do your homework!

Dr. John holding Rene's arm showing where the UCL tendon is

What Physical Therapy Isn’t

Physical therapy isn’t just a combination of exercises.  Don’t get me wrong, on our Mobility-Doc YouTube page we have tons of videos and How To’s but they aren’t the whole picture of what we do here.  In those videos we are providing expert knowledge.  This knowledge includes detailed exercise explanations, techniques to break up scar tissue, and even demystifying different diagnosis.  With this expert knowledge you can apply it to yourself the best that you can.  As hard as we try sometimes this application can still go a little awry.  

What Physical Therapy Is

Speaking from our personal experience, everyone who walks into our office is different.  Their injury is too.  Your body, mind, and way of moving all contribute to being your unique self.  By working with an expert, you can rely on them and their deep understanding of anatomy and the ideal movement patterns to help you correct your deviated movement.  A physical therapist will look at your body differently than you would.  This ability to look at you differently allows them to not only see the real root cause of your issue, but choose exercises specifically crafted to help you achieve exactly what you need.  

Common Issues with YouTube Physical Therapy

Dr Chloe rounding her back with the dowel pulling away from her spine -
Dr. Chloe demonstraing improper technique
Dr. Chloe hinging from her hips doing a romanian deadlift with a dowel on her back to practice hip hinging exercises
Dr. Chloe demonstrating proper technique

Almost all of our patients have the same problems when DIYing their at home PT.  Does this sound familiar to you?

  • Amazing Exercises… Wrong Problem – Many patients who come to us that crafted their own YouTube physical therapy program have gathered some great exercises.  The problem is the exercises aren’t actually helping the problem they’re having!  You could be doing everything perfectly right but are just targeting the wrong area.  Coming in to see a physical therapist will help eliminate some of that trial and error.  That way you’ll see progress faster!
  • Am I Ready For More Difficulty? – Knowing when to progress is hard.  If you do it too soon you could re-injure yourself.  It’s a very delicate balance to figure out what is too much and what is right.  An expert will be able to tell you when you’re ready for more
  • Am I Doing This Right? – Form matters more than reps!  If you’re doing the exercise wrong without realizing you could be creating an even bigger issue!  Having someone make sure you’re doing your exercises will ensure a speedy recovery.

Putting it All Together

Lastly and most importantly, a physical therapist will be able to help you apply your new improved movement patterns and strength to the activity you love.  Whether it’s biking, hiking, taking care of your grandchildren, or rock climbing!  You need to be able to apply these new movement patterns to your favorite activity and everyday life.  If you don’t you’ll end up back in the same place you started.  

If you’re dealing with chronic pain, injuries, or limited mobility, don’t rely solely on online videos. Find a local physical therapist who can guide you through your recovery and apply expert techniques to your specific case.  You don’t want to stop doing what you love and we don’t want you to either!  If you’re ready to get personalized care for your pain or injury, schedule a consultation with us today!

Still Looking for At Home Solutions?

Our ever growing library of MDRx programs us our signature Mobility-Doc method.   We have everything from sport specific to body part specific.  Take the guesswork out of your DIY PT and use a program crafted by us to specifically target your needs! 

Not seeing what you need?  Message us directly and we’ll help point you in the right direction!  

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Dr. Chloe and John