Muscle Scraping for Knee Pain and Patellar Tendinitis

Dr. John seated on an athletic box with his right leg infront of him. He is muscle scraping around the outer base of his knee cap

Welcome to our second installment of muscle scraping protocols!  If you’re experiencing knee pain due to patellar tendinitis, incorporating muscle scraping techniques (Gua Sha) can be a game changer for your recovery routine. In this article, we’ll outline an effective muscle scraping for knee pain protocol specifically designed to alleviate patellar tendinitis.  This protocol is great for other forms of knee pain as well and should expedite your healing process.

For an overview of a generalized muscle scraping routine for you to use, please refer to our previous blog.

Understanding Muscle Scraping for Knee Pain

Before diving into the routine, it’s essential to grasp the benefits of muscle scraping for knee pain. This technique promotes blood flow, reduces muscle tension, and helps in breaking down scar tissue.   How?  As you break up adhesions in the connective tissue you’re helping create a smoother pathway for your kneecap to track.  This will help allow easier pain free movement!

Muscle Scraping Routine for Patellar Tendinitis

All you really need is a muscle scraping tool and an emollient.  We are also demonstrating how you can incorporate a percussion therapy gun but you don’t have to.  Let’s get into the 5 step muscle scraping routine that targets knee pain effectively:

1. Warm Up

Dr. John using a massage gun to help warm up his knee before muscle scraping for knee pain

Begin with a gentle warm-up to prepare your muscles. A light jog or dynamic stretches focusing on your quadriceps is ideal. If weight-bearing movements are uncomfortable, try using a massage gun for a gentle warm-up without strain.  Don’t overdo this!  A max of 5-15 minutes is enough.

2. Muscle Scraping Technique

   – Grab an emollient – we like using ultrasound gel because it stays put.  We understand that isn’t something everyone has lying around the house.  You can use lotion, or massage oil.  Just be sure it doesn’t absorb into the skin too quickly.  

   – Get your muscle scraping tool, we are using the Sidekick Echo.  Begin scraping around the knee (remember never scrape bone) and up into the quad. You want to move in about 2 inch strokes applying moderate to firm pressure.  If you’re using a metal tool (which we hope you are) you’ll feel vibration back in your hand when you hit an area that needs a little extra attention!

   – Scan the area for a full 3-10 minutes.  This will allow you to get the entire quad and around the knee.  Once you’ve scanned, head back to anywhere that felt tender or had lots of vibration in it.  Pick 2-3 spots and spend an extra 30 seconds per spot.

Dr. John using a muscle scraper up into his quad to help alleviate knee pain
Dr. John seated while extending his knee which allows him to contract his quad while muscle scraping to get more benefit

Pro Tip: Enhance the effectiveness by incorporating dynamic movements like bending and extending your knee while you scrape.

Note: Limit your muscle scraping session to no more than 15 minutes.  

We’ve done a lot of in house research on muscle scraping tools and without a doubt we think the Sidekick brand is the best quality with affordable pricing!  Get your muscle scraping tool here!  (this is an affiliate link)

3. Stretching

Focus on stretching your quadriceps after scraping. One of our favorite stretches is the couch stretch, which targets the entire length of the tendon from the knee to the quad. Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds on both sides, and feel free to include additional stretches as needed.

Dr. John with his right knee on the ground and his right foot ontop of a workout box. His left foot is on the ground in a 90 degree angle. He is stretching his right quad and tendon

4. Active Range of Motion

Dr. John skippin off of one leg bringing the other knee to hip height as an active range of motion

Once you’ve completed your stretches, engage in dynamic movements that involve bending your knee. Exercises like A Skips are great for promoting range of motion without excessive strain.  This should be a light easy movement.

5. Strengthening

It’s time to tie it together.  Strengthening exercises are crucial for integrating the benefits of muscle scraping. After lengthening and breaking up adhesions, it’s essential to reteach your tendon and muscles to work together properly again.  Single-leg box squats are an excellent option as you can challenge each leg individually. 

Dr. John doing a box squat to strengthen his knee

If pain persists, focus on the eccentric phase (the lowering movement) and then use both feet to stand up. Adjust the height of the box or chair to suit your comfort level.

Watch Our Muscle Scraping For Knee pain Video

How Often to Use Muscle Scraping for Knee Pain

For the best results, aim to incorporate muscle scraping into your routine 2 to 3 times per week. This frequency allows your body to recover while still getting the benefits of improved circulation and reduced muscle tension. This protocol fits in perfectly as a 15-20 minute warm-up before workouts or physical activities.  Give it a try!

Muscle scraping for knee pain, specifically targeting patellar tendinitis, can significantly enhance your recovery and overall muscle health. By following this structured protocol, you can stop discomfort and improve your mobility effectively. Always listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional if you’re unsure about any exercises or techniques.  If you have any questions or comments please reach out on our socials!  We’d love to hear how you’re incorporating this into your regular routine.

More Knee Pain Solutions

Are you tired of occasional knee pain holding you back from the activities you love? It’s time to take control! Our 4-Week Systematic Program is designed to help you strengthen, stabilize, and reclaim your knees.

🔹 Why Choose MDFit Bulletproof Knee?
– Stop the Pain: Targeted exercises to reduce discomfort and enhance mobility.
– Bridge the Gap: Perfect for transitioning from physical therapy back to your active life.
– Simple and Effective: Easy-to-follow 15 minute routines you can do at home—no gym required!

Don’t let knee pain slow you down. Invest in your movement and get back to doing what you love!

👉 Join the MDFit Bulletproof Knee program today and start your journey to pain-free living!

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Dr. Chloe and John